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Mixture Problem 2

MIXTURE PROBLEM 2:  A tank holds 100 gallons of liquid.  The tank is half full with a salt water solution that contains 0.1 lb of salt per gallon.  Pure water is added to the container at the rate of 2 gallons per minute and at the same time one gallon of salt water per minute is removed from the tank.  Assume that the concentration of salt in the water in the tank remains uniform throughout.  When the tank becomes full it begins to overflow and at that time a total of 2 gallons per minute of salt water will be leaving the tank.  Construct a piecewise continuous function S(t) that gives the amount of salt in the tank as a function of time t where t = 0 represents the time when the 2 gallons per minute of pure water began being added to the tank and the 1 gallon per minute of "well-stirred, uniform" mixture began exiting the tank.  The picture at the right shows the amount of salt in the tank as a function of time.



NEWTON'S LAW OF COOLING PROBLEM 2:  When a thermometer reads 36oF, it is placed in an oven.  After 1 and 2 minutes, respectively, it reads 60oF and 82oF.  What is the temperature of the oven?

I guess we could say that this is a thermometer that reacts pretty slowly to an increase in the temperature around it.



NEWTON'S LAW OF COOLING PROBLEM 3:  Some hot chocolate has been created using milk and chocolate and has a temperature of 200oF.  The hot chocolate is in a cup that is 9/10 full.  Cool milk at a temperature of 50oF is to be used to help cool the hot chocolate.  Assume that the cooling constant, k, from Newton's Law of Cooling is the same for the hot chocolate and the milk and therefore the same for any mixture of hot chocolate and milk.  If the cup of 200oF hot chocolate is filled the rest of the way up to the brim with the 50o milk then the milk diluted hot chocolate will have an immediate temperature of

Two minutes later the milk diluted hot chocolate will have a temperature of 160oF if it is in a room whose temperature is 80oF.  Use this fact to calculate k.  (a)  If the milk was added to the hot chocolate at time t=0 minutes, how long will it take for the temperature of the milk diluted hot chocolate to reach 120oF?  (b)  Suppose instead that the milk is not added to the hot chocolate until the originally 200oF hot chocolate has been in the 80oF room for 5 minutes.  In this case how long will it take (total) for the hot chocolate (ultimately diluted by milk) to reach a temperature of 120oF?  (c)  Using the 80oF room and the 50oF milk, how could the hot chocolate be cooled to 120oF in the least amount of time and what would this time be? 


Red gives the temperature curve when the milk is added immediately.

Blue gives the temperature curve when the milk is not added until five minutes after the hot chocolate was poured into the cup in the 80oF room.

Green gives the temperature curve when the milk is added when the temperature of the hot chocolate reaches 127.778oF.

The graph above is a zoom in on the graph at the left around the points where the three temperature curves are intersecting the horizontal line along which the temperature equals 120oF.






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        Lane Vosbury, Mathematics, Seminole State College   email:

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