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Examples--Linear Equations and Equations That Can Be Made Linear


Example 9:  Linear Equation Example

Below is the graph of the particular solution to the example above with y1 = 1.  Click here or on the graph below  to see an animation of particular solutions with y1 varying from -3 to 3.  The graph on the left shows a particular solution with y1 = 2 along with direction vectors.  




Example 10:  Section 2.3 #31  Another Linear Equation Example
Graph of the Solution

Maple Worksheet



Examples 11 and 12:  Two equations that are not linear but can be turned into linear equations by making an appropriate substitution.


Click here to see animated solutions as yo varies from -3 to 3.  Quicktime version  Notice that y = 0 is a singular solution.

If y(1) = y1 then C = ln(y1) - 2

Click here to see animated solutions as y1 varies from 1/100 to 501/100.







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        Lane Vosbury, Mathematics, Seminole State College   email:

        This page was last updated on 08/21/14          Copyright 2002          webstats