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The Parachute Problem--Take Home Test Version

A man with a parachute jumps out of an airplane at an altitude of 5000 feet.  After 15 seconds his parachute opens.  During freefall the man's drag coefficient is 1 and air resistance is taken as proportional to velocity, i.e., R = kv = 1v.  After the parachute opens the drag coefficient is 5.  The total weight of the man and his parachute is 200 pounds.  Take the initial vertical velocity when he jumped out of the plane to be zero.  Approximately how far did the man fall during his 15 seconds of freefall?  What was his vertical velocity the instant his parachute opened?  Approximately what was the total amount of time it took him to reach the ground from the instant he jumped out of the airplane and what was his vertical velocity when he reached the ground?  The instant the first man's parachute opened a second man jumped out of the airplane at the same altitude.  The second man has the same weight and drag coefficient as the first man.  Regrettably the second man's parachute and back-up parachute both malfunctioned and did not open.  Approximately how long before the second man reaches the ground and what is his vertical velocity when he reaches the ground?  What is the limiting velocity for each man (for the first man after his parachute opens)?  You will need to use a graphing calculator or computer to approximate solutions for time in this problem.

The limiting velocity is W/k.  Enlargement


Integrate in (3) to find the position function s(t).  Down is positive in this model.  Initially you will need to find the velocity and position functions for freefall.  (Take v(0) = 0 and s(0) = 0.)  You will then need to find the velocity and position after 15 seconds (at t = 15).  Assume the parachute opens instantly.  You will then need to find the velocity and position functions for the parachutist using the initial velocity and initial position given by what you found to be velocity and position after 15 seconds of freefall.  Once this is done you can approximate how long it will take for him to reach the ground and what his velocity will be when he reaches the ground.  Take g = 32.

Click here to see a (quick) animation of the parachutist's descent.  To the right is a graph of the parachutist's height above the ground as a function of time (for the man whose parachute did open).  The red portion of the graph corresponds to freefall and the blue portion to the descent after the parachute opens.





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        Lane Vosbury, Mathematics, Seminole State College   email:

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